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'Bronx' by Alberto Saichann

Eternity Comics (USA) describes their comic release, Bronx, in 1991, as follows :

New York is not a nice place to live. And in Alberto Saichann’s Bronx, it’s not even a nice place to visit. In short, it’s a helluva town and if you’re looking for trouble this is the best place to find it! Direct from Argentina, Bronx is a collection of vignettes and short stories by the brilliant Saichann. Told in a gritty neo-realistic style that crosses Frank Miller with Will Eisner and Jordi Bernet (I’m sure I don’t have to explain who they are!), Bronx is sure to kick with everyone out there!

“Gritty” is not the word I would use, “confrontational” is more like it. The stories are quite violent, ‘not for the faint-hearted’ as they say, however the stories do hold one’s attention and if you are a ‘connoisseur’ of international comics there is much appreciate in story-telling and illustrated art. Alberto Saichann’s art is new to me but I am going search out more of his material. I am aware that he has worked for Marvel Comics (Punisher: Return to the Big Nothing, Punisher War Zone) and DC Comics (Looney Tunes). And, after a quick Google search just now, Saichann has produced art for the British comic Starblazer. I will have to check my collection of that title real soon!

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.... John Weeks

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