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‘Interstellar Empire’ by John Brunner

I just completed reading the science fiction novel by John Brunner titled ‘Interstellar Empire’. It was one of those books you carry around with you while you are travelling in public transport.

And I love the cover art as well!

The blurb on the back cover of the book states :

Interstellar Empire – A galactic realm whose fall was shrouded in a mystery only less deep than the mystery of its birth …

A collapse which left worlds suspended between a glorious past and a future so bleak it was already nicknamed ‘The Long Night’ …

In three dramatic episodes John Brunner tells of Vix and Spartak, Terak and Ordovic, and Kelab who is called The Conjurer – heroes striving to resist the downfall of the greatest empire man has ever known … The Interstellar Empire!

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.... John Weeks


If anyone wants this book, please contact me via . The price is only AUD $10 plus p&h

… John Weeks

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