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Sexton Blake Library

Advertisement : Sexton Blake Library #720

Wikipedia : Sexton Blake is a fictional character, a detective who has been featured in many British comic strips, novels and dramatic productions since 1893. Sexton Blake adventures were featured in a wide variety of British and international publications (in many languages) from 1893 to 1978, comprising more than 4,000 stories by some 200 different authors. Blake was also the hero of numerous silent and sound movies, radio serials, and a 1960s ITV television series.

This advertisement was featured in the British weekly magazine Detective Weekly, issue 379, May 25, 1940, promoting the publication Sexton Blake Library, issue 720.

'Crook's Cargo'

The Hon. R. S. V. Purvale is not one to think of consequences, so that when he wanders into a notorious Buenos Aires dive and discovers a Lancashire girl kept in the power of the disreputable proprietor, he rescues her in his usual high-handed manner. The proprietor and his satellites, however, do not mean to take that lying down and the resultant clash makes a tale of gripping excitement.

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